The What and Why of AP Style

The What and Why of AP Style

You may have heard the term “AP style” in connection with some copy written by your communications department or public relations agency. What exactly is AP style, and why would you use it? That’s what we’re going to tackle here in this blog post. First, a little...
All Business is Family Business

All Business is Family Business

I was asked recently about my perspective on owning a small business. When considering how to best describe it, the closest parallel I could think of is caring for a large family. When you think about it, we spend more hours each week with our coworkers than we do...
Why should I care? Make the most of your media pitch

Why should I care? Make the most of your media pitch

I’m back to talk about one of my favorite subjects – The importance of strategic communication planning. I was reminded this week of just how abbreviated our media cycle has become. While we all live and breathe this fact when it comes to national political news these...