A Week Without LG

Those who know the dgs team well, know that we go by our initials most of the time. LG is Leslie Galbreath, Chief Executive Officer. I’m RB, Rebecca Boyle, Executive Assistant to the CEO. Initials make for fast communication, especially when you’re referring to the...

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Answering your simple questions with Google Analytics

When used to its full potential, Google Analytics can be a useful tool that provides insights and answers to burning questions about the effectiveness of your website. The data in Google Analytics reports can help you answer questions such as how well your online (and...

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Why research matters

By Leslie Galbreath Why do leaders fail? Put simply, they make bad decisions. Sometimes those decisions are based too much on emotion or gut instinct. Other times, decisions are made to appease key influencers without considering the masses. In some cases, decisions...

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Being a Graphic Designer

By Justin Brown I love the opportunity to craft exceptional experiences that delight, educate, and inform current and future users. Building products means you’re part of something big. When you’re starting a new feature or product, you’re trying to solve a problem...

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Why professionalism matters

By Leslie Galbreath  Seems pretty straightforward, right? Wrong. I find myself musing on this subject after recently receiving an outlandish pitch from a sales representative. The pitch was comprehensive in the sense that it included insults, sarcasm, sexism, threats...

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What’s happened to kids’ sports?

By Polly Bonacuse  I come from an athletic family. Growing up, the more sports we played, the better - it was fun. So it’s no surprise that I have an athletic son, who is approaching the age group where sports are getting more and more competitive. And I’m nervous. In...

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