The Seven Commandments of Twitter

Twitter is continually growing in its usage, popularity and functionality. Marketers of any industry should take note of all Twitter has to offer. The short, to-the-minute nature of a tweet provides instant, frequent access to a target market unlike any other...

Don’t Let a Bad Headline Embarrass You

By Sarah Knight, Copywriter I’m not one to stay up and watch late night television, but if I happen to catch The Tonight Show, I love when Jay Leno does his bit on bad—but very funny—headlines.  As a writer, I realize it’s sometimes difficult to craft an effective,...

Taking Public Relations Efforts To The Next Level: Lesson Learned

by Chuck Bates During the course of the last year, dgs Marketing Engineers has recognized the evolving role general business media can play for business-to-business companies. As a result, we have been working to take client Public Relations to the next level. This...

dgs Marketing Engineers Turns 25

by Marc Diebold, President & CEO I’m proud to say that today is dgs Marketing Engineers’ official 25th anniversary. Looking back to that day in 1986, when we finally incorporated after 6 months of planning, I think about how much has changed and it just blows my...

What makes a great b-to-b print ad?

by Marc Diebold, President & CEO I’ve blogged about this before, but every time I flip through a stack of trade publications and see a plethora of bad ads, it prompts me to resurrect this topic and put a fresh spin on it. A great business-to-business ad in my mind...