For the B2B sector, social media marketing has been a game changer and a key differentiator between competition. Forward thinking organizations recognize the importance social media plays in their overall marketing strategies.

In fact, based on a recent study by CMI/MarketingProfs, 81% of B2B organizations are utilizing Facebook – which is by far one of the largest networking tools today –  to promote their brand. One area B2B marketers struggle with is how to get the biggest bang for their buck when it comes to Facebook’s ROI.

Organization’s Facebook posts that tend to be lacking in engagement should focus on these four key areas in order to generate more engagement:

  1. Use analytics to get to know your audience

Facebook Insights should be your right hand man/woman. It gives you better insight into important data such as the kinds of posts that receive highest reach/engagement, what time of the day users are most active, where your fans are coming from, and much more. User metrics allow you to measure, analyze and learn so that you can adjust your page accordingly for optimum performance.

  1. Post engaging content

The Facebook algorithm running in the background populates your news feed with posts that you want and filters out posts you don’t want – based on several factors. This same algorithm rewards users who posts receive high engagement by sharing with your users on their newsfeed that others have engaged with your content. So post content that encourages interaction – ask for feedback, take a poll, do a live question and answer session. Also, overly promotional content that pushes products, encourages users to enter promotions and sweepstakes and ads are discouraged as disguised organic content. Content that is useful to your followers will always perform better than content that is useful to your company.

  1. Use visual storytelling

Visual storytelling is becoming the way of telling stories on Facebook today. On Facebook, a picture is worth more than a thousand words, and posting visual content such as videos and images can help increase engagement and likes on your posts. In fact, Facebook’s algorithm places a much higher priority on visual content, particularly video content, than it does text posts. If you’re wanting to expand your organic reach and engagement, visuals are becoming a necessity.

  1. Give your content a boost

Even if it’s already interesting, your content could still benefit from promotion. By using promotional tools such as Facebook ads and boosted posts, you can reach new users through targeting location, demographics, connections and more. And in today’s world, you need to pay to play in order to be seen in the world of Facebook. In fact, according to a recent study by AdRoll, ads have click-through rates 8.1 times higher than normal web ads. Facebook ads are fairly inexpensive and prove to be one of the most effective ways to get your content in front of the right people and audiences.

In today’s world, being absent on social media can have as much of a negative effect as having a bad social reputation. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage, connect and add value on one of the fastest growing social media networks today. Oh, and don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook as well.

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