The dgs team is a unique bunch of people. While we collaborate and coordinate on client projects, the truth is we are all radically different individuals with different tastes, talents and interests.


Case in point: recently, an office-wide survey was sent out to gauge team member hobbies and pastimes, and the results were all over the board. Each of us was asked what interests we pursue outside of the office, what recharges us after a long day and what unique hobbies we enjoy. Here are some of the answers submitted. If you know us well, you may be able to figure out which team member is associated with each answer.

Our Interests

First, we asked each team member to list his or her interests outside of the office. While many listed the usual activities of spending time with family and going out for drinks with friends, others listed volunteer work as a major component of their lives outside of dgs. Music lovers (including one member of a band) cited their love for concerts while film buffs and bookworms expressed how much they enjoy their preferred entertainment mediums. We have an excellent baker who enjoys bringing her latest desserts in to the office, which we all appreciate. We even have two political junkies who enjoy watching election debates/primary coverage, an Art Deco aficionado, and a fly fisherman.

Our After Work Rituals

Each dgs employee has a different approach to unwinding after a long day at the office. Many listed exercise like boxing, jogging and rowing as part of their nightly routines. Beer and wine showed up in more than one answer, as did spending time with our kids or pets, which many of us consider to be our kids. Our resident band member enjoys learning a new song on the guitar or piano, and one team member even enjoys brain-teasing jigsaw puzzles.

Our Unusual Hobbies

This is the fun part. While you can likely relate to one or many of the activities listed above, many of our team members have hobbies that truly are unique. One of our more outdoorsy members loves to farm and attend rodeos. Another uses her creative talents to create special greeting cards for her friends and family using old photos. We also have a snow globe collector in our midst, as well as a volunteer who enjoys delivering meals to the elderly. And while most of our time in the office is spent at desks, one of our team members enjoys getting active with DIY projects and has recently built a new deck and completed two room conversions.

Even though each of us has different personalities, hobbies and backgrounds, we come together to create an impressive team. In fact, our agency is able to accomplish so many great things because of the differences that exist between its members. Without all of our different interests and perspectives, we would be unable to produce the innovative, creative deliverables our clients have come to expect from dgs. Learn more about our unique team here.

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